预告:梦之声倾情奉献 - “2022梦之声新年音乐剧和歌剧专场演出” - 回顾与期盼。Dream Melody 2022 New Year’s Day Musical & Opera Show on 1/1/2022 2pm US EST (11am PST) YouTube and Bilibili website Premiere at the same time, 中外同步发布globally
Please enjoy the Show on TV and in stereo system. 请在电视音响环境下欣赏。You could watch the Show after the Premiere time too, using the same link (相同的链接premiere后也有效). Thank you to broadcast / forward the Show to other friends and audiences too. 欢迎並感谢转发,谢谢啦
梦之声新人新意新剧目迎新年,敬请关注。梦之声的主旨:呈现在美华人积极向上的精神面貌,致力于中外文化艺术表演的交流和演绎。谢谢大家的关注(search YouTube “梦之声Dream Melody” channel or B 站 “梦之声 Dream Melody”)和喜爱
Happy New Year, Cheers, from Dream Melody