amin092009-01-18 05:21:55
My LG spent a year of after work time and made this website: This web site earned some money from google adsense ($10-$20/day).
He is a completely tech guy and does not have time to think about how to make it a more profitable business. Since every day he just dives into his room after coming back from work, AS his wife I become very busy on providing him a better working environment including cooking, taking care kids, etc. (sounds like a complaining). I sometime think it may not be worth it to put so much on to it, but he thinks it is a good web site(some disageement). We truely appreciate your input! Thanks
qazx2009-01-18 05:53:58
Quite specialized. looks good. you need to compare with competit
amin092009-01-18 06:20:54
回复:Quite specialized. looks good. you need to compare with compe
疯一样的男子2009-01-18 10:04:25
Come on who's using antenna anymore???
关键字2009-01-18 14:57:35
$50-$90/day? It's amazing!
1421212009-01-18 20:33:47
qazx2009-01-19 03:06:27
know some people using antenna for even HD (free)
amin092009-01-19 04:27:35
回复:$50-$90/day? It's amazing!
amin092009-01-19 04:33:04
回复:Come on who's using antenna anymore???
疯一样的男子2009-01-19 11:07:34
If he can maintain 3K a month without putting into much effort,
疯一样的男子2009-01-19 11:22:25
Check your QQH, amin09
老鼠吃糠2009-01-19 21:45:22