One customer made an order from me online and I charged her visa card for the order amount. I mailed her order through USPS delivery confirmed shipping with tracking number. Later on, the lady filed a chargeback request from her visa card company, claiming she didn't receive the package. However, the USPS tracking number clearly shows that the package was delivered to her address on the time. I used the USPS tracking information as my proof to rebut the chargeback. However my merchant service denied my rebuttal and refused to reverse the chargeback, because they said Visa company has a rule that to rebut a chargeback, a signed delivery confirmation is required. Since tracking number is not a signed delivery proof, so it can't be used to against the chargeback.
Does anybody know if this is true or not? I personally made lots of online shopping myself, including some expensive items. Most of the packages I received from sellers are not required to have signature, no matter the shipping carrier(USPS, UPS, FeDex). Most of the time the shippers just simply dropped the package in front of my door. If signed delivery confirmation is required for rebutting a chargeback, in these cases, people are very easy to get money back by issuing a chargeback even after receiving the shipping.
Anybody can share your experience on chargeback?