whiteoak2009-09-13 20:40:50

第一次上Ebay 买东西,东转西转时,不小心赢了三个bid (同一个东西),我居然还没有意识到,然后换了个 买家,又Bid了一次,网页很顺利地引我到了付费页,于是也就通过Paypal 交了钱,不久,收到了订的东西。谁知过了几天,bay 来mail说,I have three upaid items...surprised and confused, I went to ebay and canceled those three items from my buy basket..without reading any ebay polices, I thought that's allI needed to do...days later, I got another email saying I need to pay. so I contacted the seller , apologized and ask him if I can get out of the bid. the seller( he is not the one I actually bought ) never get back to me, and today I dot email saying the seller is putting me on 'unpaid item strike'...I check the ebay policy ( should have read them before I do anything, that's my fault, I know)..it is saying if the issue is not resolved, ebay can fine me for breaching the contract since I won the bid and it is a contract...btw, I did not really get the three items yet, they are not shipped yet.

So now, what should I do? the seller is in Koren, I can't find his phone number, and he is not responding my email, I send ebay an email asking for help and forgiveness...so far no response yet...can I just ignore them? How far they will go ?

Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.

WayCool2009-09-13 21:35:28
我是新手我怕谁?最多get a strike,(3次赶出eBay),you can call eBay to reomve it
whiteoak2009-09-13 21:50:07
Thanks,But will they find a way to fine me ?
九阴九阳2009-09-14 06:13:56
赢了bid理应付款. 如不需要可以转手卖掉. 拒绝付款等于把小错变成大错
whiteoak2009-09-14 18:42:42
吐奶猫2009-09-15 19:31:01