indiana0982009-10-06 05:57:35
people here are more warmhearted. please help.
my restaurant is loss money every month now. I want to close it but still have 2 and half year lease but the lease is personal guarantee. Any one have suggestions how I can protect by house and car if I need to file bankruptcy or ....?
any input are welcomed.
行者10002009-10-06 17:08:05
回复:HELP: S Corp bankruptcy - see inside
wawahua2009-10-06 17:26:36
关键字2009-10-07 01:56:06
sunskitehomes2009-10-08 20:50:47
$1卖掉, 好主意。 但是。。。
sunskitehomes2009-10-08 20:54:16
if I'm the landlord, I won't agree with the purchase, unless