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卖掉一个ink, 总共加运费只有10元。 买家买家同时她也是卖家收到后发出一封很rude 的信,说我需要付她$3.5 邮费, 因为我欠邮局的运费, 邮局找她付poririty postage 。 我告诉她,我是从paypal 上付的并且打印的,first class mail, 没有道理付priority postage, 就是我欠费, 邮局也不盖找她要运费, 要找也是退给我或者找我要钱。 it does not make any sense.
她同意 it does not make any sense, 但是坚持说邮局就是找她要了, 我就得给她 报销。 我说我不在乎这几块钱, 但是这不对 。
她今天就留了个坏评。 我给恶霸打电话, 恶霸同意她那种做法不对, 但是说他们没有办法移掉坏评, 因为她并不违背恶霸feedback 的政策。 那我就说很简单, 我也可以给她多留几个坏评,等着瞧好了。
各位高手, 有何高招? 纯粹为了出口鸟气。
not ink problem, she just wants more money back after she got th
开新ID去买她东西不付钱,等她fire unpaid。。就给她坏评
thanks, it is a good idea
maybe, I just feel strange, and just do not understand
可能你的邮件信封太薄,好象是没超过3/4“厚度,你发的是1st class mail, 被
Aparently, this is your mistake, and the buyer paid for postage.
I tried, it works, thanks
Why did you think it is my mistake?
even 邮局的那些好事营业员自动升级成priority mail
不charge 你的客户的话,客人专程跑邮局是拿不到邮件的,
no, you are wrong. no such 规定.
well, figure out yourself: http://www.usps.com/prices/first-clas
也可以让你的客户把她的local PO电话给你,电话过去问问就清楚了。
actually you are completely wrong on this issue
well, anyway, it is strange
It is nobody's mistake, but something just happened.
you are wrong, if邮件体积is big, you need to use priority mail
FHZM and 小小爱茉莉 are right, that's your mistake.
我以为只有卖家fire unpaid以后才可以.要不然..还得了?