若兰A2009-12-17 15:25:56
http://www.poconoinnwg.com 的酒吧就要开张,需酒吧用的收银机(带软件).另online reservation 也需要软件系统.
淮国旧2009-12-17 16:18:42
回复:寻可靠收银软件系统 and online reservation 软件系统,
淮国旧2009-12-17 16:20:27
joomla is solution and it's free
WayCool2009-12-17 17:06:29
若兰A2009-12-17 17:53:03
回复:joomla is solution and it's free -- Thanks. But, forgive my i
淮国旧2009-12-17 18:17:46
Please send a case of beer to my home then i will tell you.
若兰A2009-12-18 01:23:43
回复:谢了.这是你的啤酒-- |_| cheers!
若兰A2009-12-18 01:27:46
谢谢.用Fidelio 勾出一大堆,从唱片到软件....
WayCool2009-12-18 01:42:51