AmericanChinese2010-04-22 17:15:51
Business type: online publishing and consulting
Field: U.S. immigration
What are transfered: business including its name, webhosting (paid through November), domain and domain name registration (paid for 2 years), all products as well as their copyrights, all web contents, business model, a short period of training, all email accounts, paypal account, google ad account, all associates who helps with writing, a current customer and his $2000.00 cash.
Price: $15000.00
Reason for sale and financials: I am working full-time and have other businesses too, I just do not have enough time to attend this business. Revenue for last year (2009) is about $20,000. Last year I only had 7 months of operation. An Indian guy wanted to buy the business for $50,000, he only made partial payment, he took over in June, in November I took it back (according to our contract, if he default in payment, I can take it back). 2009 revenue did not include his payment.
Cost: $110 per year for web hosting, about $20 per month google advertising. No other cost.
Growth: it should have a tremendous potential for growth. However, I am not a business major, I am not good at marketing.
若兰A2010-04-22 18:02:20
回复:Online business for sale (可以置顶么?)
gchai2010-04-22 18:25:32
try sell at
AmericanChinese2010-04-22 22:57:22
waitGC2010-04-23 10:44:30
你这得在移民律师行干过才行, 网站本身其实只值几百美元
海阔天空20082010-04-28 04:31:36
It will be better if the domain is
netnobel.org2010-05-13 17:54:29
回复:Online business for sale (可以置顶么?)