1. Is the LLC suitable for me?
2. Can I sell my product in other states or I have to register in every state for sale?
3. Can I export my product worldwide or I have to apply any special license for that?
4. Do I have to prepare my product in special facility or I can do in any available building in any location?
5. Is there any regulation or rule I have to follow for the product like mine?
6. Is it necessary for me to register a trademark? State or federal?
My company will not dispose any hazard material, the only waster is empty bottles. Where I can dispose my empty bottle? They can be glass or plastic.
7. Is it practicable for me to ask other company as my distributor? How I can find such a company?
8. If I will not make money or I will not take the money from my company (I will leave the money at company level), do I need pay tax?
Can I produce my product outside the USA, but still use my company’s trademark?
9. What is the advantage or disadvantage for me to claim a patent for my recipe?
10.Any rule or regulation for making a lable I shoud follow?
11. Any other things I should consider?