亮劍華爾街2010-07-10 11:38:12
Three Categories of Investment Goals

I. Long term capital gain
II. Short term capital gain
III. Combination of A and B
To achieve the above three types of investment goals, quantitative and qualitative automatic investment system offers differences in risk control methods, risk range, actual investment return and actual account performance as follows.

I. To achieve long term capital high growth;
Long term capital high growth is aimed for one to five years time horizon. The goal of investment yearly return rate should be several folds; each year has at least 2 to 5 times of return. Risk will be relatively higher. For investment principle, the risk is to be within -20% to -30% (high water market). After fund grows larger, it turns into growth fund. This is mainly designed for wealthy individual investors to invest their idle liquidity or 1% - 2% of total assets. ( GOLDEN LION HEDGE FUND I )

II. To achieve short term immediate profit
In this category, investment principle generates monthly profit, just like rental income. Investment return will be between 5% - 10% with lower risk. Principle risk is less than -15% (High Water Market), ideal for retired people and investors seek for lower risk. The investment goal is similar to income funds. ( GOLDEN LION HEDGE FUND II )

III. To achieve long term growth and short term profit (combination of A and B)
Balanced fund seeks for high growth as well as monthly profit. It is a combination of both A and B. We constantly improve our investment efficiency; all data provided are based on actual stock accounts.
We have actual accounts detail to demonstrate past investment results as well as sample accounts for choices. ( GOLDEN LION HEDGE FUND III )


jamescai2010-07-11 13:31:25