apple-tree2010-08-12 04:35:41
以下是我向paypal写的dispute, 鉴于不涉及实物交易, paypal也没有退钱给我. 就算我把几个小钱给了加拿大要饭的了. 大家千万小心. 他们的模板也是从其他地方免费偷来的, 难看的要死, 而且错误百出, 到处bug. 后来自己下载oscommerce, 花了一个礼拜改都比他们的好多. 几个根本没有技术背景的小流氓就是抢钱. 给其中一个在蒙特利尔的打过电话, 这厮张口就骂人... 素质极差.

翻了翻这里的历史, 还是有人上过他们的当的.

凤凰小城还endorse这个网站, 你有的用古伊拉俄么是伐?

ordered domain hosting service from on 07/xx. immediately found no SSH access possible to my registered domain which they advertised and promised. called and msn'd their so called "24x7 support person" with no solution and extremely bad attitude. one of their listed service number was fake. technical manager has no idea what SSH is, keeps confusd with SSL even now. opened a support ticket online 07/xx and had no response at all. ticket status online is alway 'access denied'. their sole online support is in China and only available thru msn messenger and totally ignored me afterwards. to make things worse, the server experienced downtime on 07/xx at 20:43 thru 21:16 and at 23:39 thru 23:42 EDT which is totally unacceptable.

i have all the email communication saved to prove the criminal service i received from them as well as other to show their insufficient knowledge to run and support this business. they shall be de-listed from ebay or paypal doing business in the US.

to contain the damage from this issue, i have transferred my registered domain to another professional hosting company today (07/xx) morning hence require a full refund of my paid charge $36USD. Furthermore, i require them support my domain transfer process in the next day or two.

please promptly resolve this issue so that our company can move forward.
凤凰小城2010-08-12 04:38:54
笨企鹅2010-08-13 01:29:09