蓝花瓷2010-10-01 05:18:02
我经常用fedex 邮产品。 我们这行都是用UPS或fedex的。 我八月底邮了一小箱货,因为很近就用了feddex ground. 没想到客户前两天打电话说没收到。一查tracking number, 竟然离开了一个小城市后就没下落了。给 fedex call, they ask me to claim loss $100 because I didn't buy insurance. my product value $8000 due its high precision. My product is not used for person and no one want it. Fedex already spend two days to research but still no clue. I want to write a complain to their CEO or related person to look for product for me more carefully.

any good suggestion? many thanks
pretty_woman22010-10-01 08:01:43
吴萌2010-10-01 14:50:37
依韵2010-10-01 23:05:53
pretty_woman22010-10-02 01:39:24
Thank you for sharing!
蓝花瓷2010-10-04 05:43:28
谢谢三位的耐心回答, 心里好受点了