September202011-03-15 04:06:11

最近刚在EBAY做些生意,今天收到PAYPALlimited access notice, 只因从这个account(新开了两个月)transfer $2000到另一paypal account. Paypal needs all of following information to restore the account.

Photo ID
Bank Account Statement
Proof of Address
Provide Invoices
Supplier contact info
Confirm SSN

各位高手,请给些建议,我该怎么办? 我有合法的 supplier and invoices.
你们有遇到这类事吗? 如不提供这些 verification,what will happen to my account.


September202011-03-15 04:08:19
It should be: Palpay Account access is limited
autumnmoon2011-03-15 05:15:02
I guess should be payapl