cocochalie2012-04-20 17:14:23

请帮忙看看这些面试问题应该怎么回答,还是被拒了。BACKGROUND,  过去有7年国内跨国公司MANAGER经验,来美国后7年中,前五年生孩子,然后2MBA念书,现在找工作中)

1.       Do you need relocation?(YES.怎么解释WHY?

2.       HOW do you solve the problem?find problem cause, analyze and solve it

3.       If using adjectives, what are the top five traits to describe you?( Reliable, responsible, friendly, passionate大家怎么说的)

4.       Why did you leave previous employer?(two reasons: join hu*****and in USA, the other—pursue the advanced degree) 请帮助是否有更好的回答!!!

5.       After 2004, what did you do? (始终不知道怎么解释7年的GAP,请帮助!!!I had my two cute babies and pursued MBA, and now go back to build my career)

6.       Why do you apply for *****? (I like your corporate culture, e. g. your poems on website,It inspired me to work for you. And if I am hired, I will contribute my experiences, abilities to you and will did the excellent job in this position.) 有没有更好的回答?

7.       What is your last salary?( ××××(仅说了NUM),怎么 说更好?

9 In one sentence, could you please summarize your skills which can differentiate from other candidates? (请赐教!)

10 When can you be available for work? (我想有一个月RELOCATION,然后上班,怎么表达?)

**申请的是与以前一样的职位,感觉我的背景它们比较欣赏,就是谈到他们行业(因为与我以前的行业不一样)现在具体的做法时, 我不知道怎么插上我的经验和优势,怎么回答准备呢?

生物创业2012-04-20 19:05:17
lanyu2012-04-26 19:27:16
前五年生孩子?! 五个?我同事生完孩子第三天就上班了。
wawahua2012-04-28 07:17:12