underpar682022-05-11 03:23:08

CoinBase’s latest filing with SEC says "In the event of a bankruptcy, our customers could be treated as our general unsecured creditors."

In other words, when they eventually go bankrupt, they will use YOUR crypto to bail themselves out.


duck_donald2022-05-11 03:36:25
zeno2022-05-11 04:00:06
COIN 怎么PE 才5啊,而且是今天大跌前以前的
lanyin03142022-05-11 04:05:51
underpar682022-05-11 04:20:40
With very aggressive rate hiking and unprecendent QT coming
zeno2022-05-11 04:26:08
难说啊,PayPal Mafia 里好几个都是BTC的支持者