it is very significant.......i have said here in my previous post that i am expecting 10 yr yield above 4% in short time and 5% in medium time....and I also said that all the calculus of assets have changed with risk free rate going north and mostly will stay there for decades......for your reference, current S&P500 yield is less than 2%......
so........don't gamble your hard earn's foolish to guess the bottom.....if people here do that i am sure you will lose all to the the short term waves up or down is not for most ppl...i have seen that many times over....put your money into CD or ladder the treasury.....preserve your capital until the birth of bull market which no visibility.....
follow the king dollar and 10 yr yield......all the other assets values are derivatives of these two......and you know who decides the king dollar and 10yr follow the Fed no matter whether Fed is right or wrong......