underpar682022-05-11 19:14:58

Watch bond yields - as they are continuing to fall.

The 10 year yield is now down 8-9 basis points (to yield 2.921%) - and is well below the day's highs.

TLT is breaking 4/26 downtrend......it is going to 120, might be higher....

keep eyes on yield....

underpar682022-05-11 19:19:18
Pay more attention to bond..........
硅谷的鱼2022-05-11 19:28:42
许多 人不明白它的重要性
梅影2022-05-11 19:39:59
你关注的对, 庄家门都跑去买债市了,3%的回报率呢。 所以股市跌的很惨。