CBO 预计,到 2022 年,联邦预算赤字将缩减至 1.0 万亿美元(去年为 2.8 万亿美元),从 2023 年到 2032 年,每年的赤字将平均为 1.6 万亿美元。赤字占国内生产总值(GDP)的百分比继续下降) 明年,随着与冠状病毒大流行相关的支出减少,但随后赤字增加,到 2032 年达到 GDP 的 6.1%。自 1946 年以来,赤字仅超过该水平的六倍。
在此期间,支出预计平均占 GDP 的 23%,按历史标准衡量,这是一个高水平,这得益于利息成本上升和为老年人提供福利的计划支出增加。预计到 2022 年,收入占 GDP 的比重将达到二十多年来的最高水平,然后在接下来的几年中下降,但到 2032 年仍将高于长期平均水平。
相对于经济规模,预计公众持有的联邦债务将在未来两年内下降,到 2023 年降至 GDP 的 96%,此后还会上升。在 CBO 的预测中,到 2032 年,它达到 GDP 的 110%(比以往任何时候都高),到 2052 年达到 GDP 的 185%。此外,如果立法者修改现行法律以维持现有的某些政策,那么债务将随之增加更多.
CBO projects that the federal budget deficit will shrink to $1.0 trillion in 2022 (it was $2.8 trillion last year) and that the annual shortfall would average $1.6 trillion from 2023 to 2032. The deficit continues to decrease as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) next year as spending related to the coronavirus pandemic wanes, but then deficits increase, reaching 6.1 percent of GDP in 2032. The deficit has been greater than that only six times since 1946.
Outlays are projected to average 23 percent of GDP over that period, a level high by historical standards, boosted by rising interest costs and greater spending for programs that provide benefits to elderly people. Revenues are projected to reach their highest level as a share of GDP in more than two decades in 2022 and then to decline over the following few years but remain above their long-term average through 2032.
Relative to the size of the economy, federal debt held by the public is projected to dip over the next two years, to 96 percent of GDP in 2023, and to rise thereafter. In CBO’s projections, it reaches 110 percent of GDP in 2032 (higher than it has ever been) and 185 percent of GDP in 2052. Moreover, if lawmakers amended current laws to maintain certain policies now in place, even larger increases in debt would ensue.