underpar682022-07-07 04:20:42

quite a few things have happened when we just got into 2nd half.....DXY is continuing its ascendance with no sign of stopping, 120 may be in the sight EOY......Yield curve is bending.....all commodities including GLD are collapsing......put into the perspective, XLE got into bear market in the matter of month, much faster than QQQ/SPY.....credit spread is widening........and Fed is still hawkish when things are coming unglued fast.......none of these are bullish....

especially....dollar is killing the rest of the world......something ugly systematic would develop somewhere ........if DXY keeps marching towards 120....watch out euro parity, it's only 2 cents away....

So....here is the speculation......believe or not....Fed put may come early than you expect.......is Dec 2018 replaying????............i don't know......but be ready and position accordingly.......

"Always wrong, never in doubt"


Beyond_Soros2022-07-07 05:47:11
June CPI to be released on 7/13 is critical for the market.