牛笑牛叫兽2022-07-08 22:41:10

讲个故事给大家解解闷。最近发现不久前Udacity竟然在我买它东西的时候偷偷摸摸加了个auto renew。问他要钱,他说得遵守他家的policy,并装模作样截图为证说我同意的。疾愤之下,修书一封一顿道德说教。意外的是他们马上投降,钱,fully refunded。好巧不巧,邮箱里看到另一个公司auto renew failed的邮件。我将胜勇追穷寇,马上通过记录发现这家去年已经收了一年的费用。然后客气email要钱。同样的跟我讲法律。不得已,一通道德:


Understood. However, I believe by common sense XXXX【这家公司】 is cheating in this case. We are charged by services we never used, which never happened in offline life in the USA. I believe, XXXX, as well as some online companies, are heavily abusing people's trust in a company, which is damaging some core value necessary for our society to work (look around the countries in the world where people take cheating as a smart skill).  Also the amount is not small. In principle XXXX provides decent content, but it is painful to see it as a company depending on cheating heavily. Given the generality of this cheating, I am determined to fight against it, by asking for a refund and by sharing this with a wider community. 。。。。。。 




什么结论呢?当然我不随便接受别人decision(even by constracts) 值得表扬 :)更重要的是社会上一种基本的道德观还在那儿。否则的我们个人的(正经)努力连个P都不如。(刚收到客服email说我是“。。。 the most cooperative and understanding customer” 说明有不少人在反抗他们,P民的努力也是需要的。)

牛笑牛叫兽2022-07-08 22:52:58
我觉得auto renew 是个相当普遍的骗术(甚至包含体面的公司)
zhoufang2022-07-08 23:06:35
Subscribe newspaper, for example, just use "check" not
摸鱼的猫2022-07-09 00:24:50