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英文版:Covid: vaccinated Israelis to enjoy bars and hotels with ‘green pass’
Mobile app inoculation certificate aims to help reopen economy, but privileges are untested and raise ethical questions
Israel is preparing itself to be split in half from next week, with the government creating a new privileged tier in society: the vaccinated.
Nearly 50% of the population who have chosen to be inoculated against Covid will be provided with a “green pass” a week after their second shot, as will those with presumed immunity after contracting the disease.
From Sunday, the pass will grant access to gyms, hotels, swimming pools, concerts, and places of worship. Restaurants and bars will be included from early March.
For the rest, including children under 16 who are not eligible for coronavirus shots, many of the activities shut down during the year-long crisis will remain off-limits, although some will be available if they provide a negative coronavirus test.
“This is how the first stage will look in the return to your almost normal lives,” the health minister, Yuli Edelstein, said this week. The pass is being launched on a mobile app that businesses must scan on entry, and many Israelis are excited.