dudaan2021-04-16 14:06:49


事实是,美国支持日本向太平洋排放损坏的核电站的废水。(April Update)

On April 13, 2021, the Government of Japan announced it has decided to begin discharging into the ocean the wastewater that is currently being stored on site at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in two years. The water, primarily the result of ocean and groundwater seepage through the damaged core reactor, has been treated with the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) to remove harmful radionuclides such as cesium and strontium, leaving only the mildly radioactive and less harmful isotope, tritium. 

Tritium presents an extremely low human and animal health risk if consumed and any health risk would be further minimized with the dilution effects of discharge into the ocean. Furthermore, FDA has no evidence that radionuclides from the Fukushima incident are present in the U.S. food supply at levels that are unsafe or would pose a public health concern and believes this action will have no effect on the safety of foods imported from Japan and U.S. domestic food products, including seafood caught off the U.S. coast. 

Scientific experts from interagency advisory teams, including FDA’s representatives to the U.S. Advisory Team for Environment, Food and Health, came to this conclusion after studying the technical aspects and reviewing international reports from interagency bodies that evaluated options for dealing with the waste water. Based on this scientific review as well sampling of foods imported from Japan and U.S. domestic food products, we believe that there would be no impact to human and animal health if the treated wastewater were to be discharged into the ocean, as proposed by Japan. Consequently, FDA is not advising consumers to alter their consumption of specific foods imported from Japan or domestically produced foods, including seafood.

FDA Import Alert # 99-33, which instructs FDA field personnel to detain foods shipments from Japan if the food is likely to contain radionuclide contamination, remains active. In addition, FDA tests for radionuclides as part of its routine surveillance, through the toxic elements in food and foodware monitoring program and through its Total Diet Study.


千叶市:香菇(Shitake mushrooms),冬笋(Bamboo shoots),鲤鱼(Common Carp),银鲫(Silver Crucian Carp),鳗鱼(Eel),野猪肉。
福岛市:生牛奶,野生楤木嫩芽(Aralia Sprout);竹笋;Non-head叶用蔬菜(如日本小松菜Mustard Spinach),茼蒿(Garland Chrysanthemum),青梗菜,雪里蕻(Potherb Mustard),生菜(Leaf Lettuce),菠菜等等;头型叶菜(如西兰花和花椰菜);板栗;日本野生蜂斗菜(Butterbur Scrape);日本王紫萁(Royal Scrape);猕猴桃(Kiwi Fruit);Koshiabura(野生树芽);log-grown香菇;log-grown滑子菇(露天培育);蘑菇;鸵鸟蕨(Ostrich Fern);欧洲蕨(Pteridium Aquilinum);大米;芜菁(tumips);梅子(Ume);巨大蜂斗菜(Giant Buttebur);蟒蛇草(Uwabamisou);日本柚子(Yuzu Fruit);阿拉斯加鳕鱼(Alaska Pollock);香鱼(Ayu,人工饲养的除外)黑牛舌鱼(Black cow-tongue);黑岩鱼(Black rockfish);黄铜斑点岩鱼(Brass blotched rockfish);Brown hakeling鱼;鲑鱼(Salmon,内陆)(养殖的除外);鲤鱼(Common Carp,养殖的除外);六线鱼(Fat Greenling);狐狸鱼(Fox Jacopever);金眼石斑鱼(Goldeye rockfish);黑鲷鱼(Black Porgy);鲦鱼(Dace);鳗鱼(Eel);玉筋鱼(Sandlance,幼鱼除外);石斑鱼(Seabass);大理石比目鱼(Marbled Flounder);眼状斑点鳐鱼(Ocellate Spot Skate);红舌鳎(Red Tongue Sole);岩鱼(Rockfish,陈氏平鲉);蝎子鱼(Scorpion Fish);大比目鱼(Shotted Halibut);油鲽(slime flounder);星斑川鲽(Starry Flounder);石鲽(stone flounder);海鲫(Surfperch);金星蛤(Venus Clam);网纹河豚(vermiculated puffer);白斑红点鲑(whitespotted char,不含养殖);熊肉;牛肉;野猪肉;库珀雉(cooper pheasant);绿雉(green pheasant);野兔肉;斑嘴鸭(spot-billed duck)。
GUMNA群马县:野生蘑菇;鲑鱼(内陆)(养殖除外);白斑红点鲑(whitespotted char,不含养殖);熊肉;野猪肉;铜长尾雉(Copper Pheasant);鹿肉。
茨城县(IBARAKI PREFECTURE):Log-grown香菇;竹笋(Bamboo shoots);Koshiabura (野生树芽);Eel(鳗鱼);岩鱼(Rockfish);眼状斑点鳐鱼(Ocellate Spot Skate);斑点叉尾鮰鱼(Channel Catfish) (不含养殖); 石鲽(Stone Flounder);野猪(Boar)。
岩手县(IWATE PREFECTURE):竹笋(Bamboo shoots);Log-grown Brick-cap蘑菇 (室外养殖);Log-grown香菇;Log-grown 滑子菇(室外养殖);野生蘑菇;野生日本欧芹(Wild Japanese parsley);王紫萁(Royal fern);Koshiabura (野生树芽);欧洲蕨(Pteridium aquilinum);黑鲷(Black Porgy);石斑鱼(Seabass);白斑红点鲑(Whitespotted Char )(不含养殖);熊肉;牛肉;鹿肉;库柏雉(Cooper Pheasant)。
宫城县(MIYAGI PREFECTURE):王紫萁(Royal Fern);竹笋(Bamboo Shoots);Koshiabura (野生树芽);Wild Araila Sprout;鸵鸟蕨(Ostrich Ferns);Log-grown香菇 (户外养殖);野生蘑菇;香鱼(Ayu) (不含养殖);鲑鱼 (内陆) (不含养殖);黑鲷(Black Porgy);鲦鱼(Dace);石斑鱼(Seabass);白斑红点鲑鱼(Whitespotted Char,不含养殖);牛肉;熊肉;野猪肉。
长野县(NAGANO PREFECTURE):野生蘑菇;Koshisabura (一种树芽);鹿肉
新泻(NIIGATA PREFECTURE):Koshisabura (一种树芽);熊肉。
枥木县(TOCHIGI PREFECTURE):野生Aralai芽菜(Sprouts);竹笋(Bamboo Shoots);板栗(Chestnuts);野生日本胡椒(Wild Japanese Peppers);野生王紫萁(Wild Royal Fern);Koshiabura (野生树芽);野生欧洲蕨( Pteridium aquilinum);野生鸵鸟蕨(Ostrich Ferns);Log-grown Brick-cap蘑菇 (户外养殖);Log-grown香菇;Log-grown滑子菇(Pholiota Nameko户外养殖);野生蘑菇;牛肉;野猪肉;鹿肉。

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