路透社报道,印度联邦卫生秘书布山(Rajesh Bhushan)周二(22日)在记者会上表示,马哈拉施特拉邦(Maharashtra)已有16人感染新变种病毒。当地把这个新变种病毒称为“德尔塔+”(Delta plus)。
India Says New 'Delta Plus' Coronavirus Variant May Be More Transmissible
India has detected over 40 cases of a new coronavirus variant called "Delta Plus," which may be more transmissible and resistant to COVID-19 treatments.
Delta plus: Scientists say too early to tell risk of Covid-19 va
India's health ministry says studies showed that the so-called Delta plus variant - also known as AY.1 - spreads more easily, binds more easily to lung cells and is potentially resistant to monoclonal antibody therapy, a potent intravenous infusion of antibodies to neutralise the virus.
The variant is related to the Delta, an existing variant of concern, which was first identified in India last year and is thought to have driven the deadly second wave of infections this summer in India.
The health ministry says the Delta plus variant, first found in India in April, has been detected in around 40 samples from six districts in three states - Maharashtra, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh. At least 16 of these samples were found in Maharashtra, one of the states hardest hit by the pandemic.
Delta plus has also been found in nine other countries - USA, UK, Portugal, Switzerland, Japan, Poland, Nepal, Russia and China - compared to the original highly contagious Delta strain, which has now spread to 80 countries.