饿狼陀2021-08-11 04:39:17

The research determined that unvaccinated Kentucky residents who had a confirmed coronavirus infection last year had a "significantly higher likelihood of reinfection" than those considered fully vaccinated. The study concluded that the unvaccinated were 2.34 times more likely to contract COVID-19 again.

The study involved 246 Kentucky residents who were reinfected in May and June this year after having a confirmed 2020 case. They were compared to 492 controls who had a 2020 infection but were not reinfected.


SAR2021-08-11 13:08:46
赞 狼医分享 求真求实,不以观念站队。谢谢
饿狼陀2021-08-11 17:57:07
谢谢。也觉得务求客观,少些主观臆断比较好。遗憾的是Data 不多,很多结论现在认为是正确的,以后也不一定就会正确。