snowballCA2005-07-05 16:20:39
My Parents are coming to US to visit this weekend, one of my Mom's friend asked her to bring $5000 in cash with her, is there any tax complications for my Mom, does she have to claim it on I-94 form?

Thank you all in advance for your help.
5000$``2005-07-05 16:35:51
Everybody is allowed to bring
snowballCA2005-07-05 16:38:05
回复:Everybody is allowed to bring
Rosalinda2005-07-05 16:39:13
1万/人 以下,美入境不用申报,以上,需要申报,没有税,但是
snowballCA2005-07-05 16:54:46
回复:1万/人 以下,美入境不用申报,以上,需要申报,没有税,但是