cloudnqh2005-07-12 01:38:53
本人是在校Ph.D.学生,明年五六月份毕业。现在想申请NIW(Nebraska Center),共咨询了6位律师,以下是律师的回复总结:
律师(1):strong case for NIW, doable case for EB1 (didn't ask any question)
律师(2):impressive case for NIW (didn't ask any question)
律师(3):doable case for NIW (asked some questions)
律师(4):said my resume sent to him is too acadamic to understand, and listed a lot questions need to be answered
律师(5):would like to take my case after my graduation as Ph.D. degree and got a full time job
律师(6):asked me to answer some questions and then make the evaluation


mycents2005-07-12 03:46:10
5 is a good suggestion
cloudnqh2005-07-12 04:31:14
回复:5 is a good suggestion
gytrfg2005-07-12 04:43:58
回复:回复:5 is a good suggestion
cloudnqh2005-07-12 15:01:13
回复:回复:回复:5 is a good suggestion