newrealme2003-12-08 18:58:00
发信人: lsms (老死闷死), 信区: Law
标 题: 新进展Re: [转载] 女朋友要非法了,怎么办?
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Mon Dec 8 12:53:55 2003) WWW-POST

公室发了信去商量。如果这样,我们就得马上交申请tansfer H1 from her current
employment to her future university. 但可能会出现一些问题,请帮忙解释一下:

1. 现在有个pending 的申请,可不可以再交一个这个申请?

(以下是再交transfer H1申请后可能出现的情况)
2。如果F1的申请先批下来了,这个transfer H1的case是否会自动close了?如果是NO,我
2. 如果transfer H1先批了。USCIS是否还会照常处理那个申请F1的申请?



发信人: otheme (puff), 信区: Law
标 题: Re: [转载] 女朋友要非法了,怎么办?
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Wed Dec 3 13:05:26 2003) WWW-POST

There is no grace period that I know of. Don't take my word for it. If this
is serious enough for you, it's worth paying and talking to a lawyer. You can
try posting your questions on some immigration law firm sites, maybe you will
get free answers.

【 在 lsms (老死闷死) 的大作中提到: 】
: I have one more question as following, please give
:me more information,
: thanks.
: 【 在 otheme (puff) 的大作中提到: 】
:H-1B is not incompatible with going to school, as long
:as her employer agrees to let her go on sabatical
:without revoking her employment. but if she quits
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: her job now and later BCIS doesn't approve her status
:change, then she is out of status
: If this happens, will she has a short grace period
:to send another application?
: :
: so the safe way is for her to negotiate with her
:boss to let her leave, but not officially remove her
:from the job until she hears back from BCIS.
: I also vaguely remember that when you change from one
:H1B to another H1B, BCIS's receipt is sufficient to
:let you go work for the new employer. But not
:sure if this applies to from H1B to F1. You should
:consult with an immigration lawyer on this.
:you might also want to try the immigration board.
: :
: :
: :
: : 【 在 lsms (老死闷死) 的大作中提到: 】
: : : 【 以下文字转载自 Love 讨论区,原文如下 】
: : : 发信人: lsms (老死闷死), 信区: Love
: : : 标 题: 女朋友要非法了,怎么办?
: : : 发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Sat Nov 29 22:34:44 2003) WWW-POST
: : :
: 为了能够相聚,女朋友决定过来读书。她早已经交了I539表,
:也早已收到BCIS收到她的申请的receipt notice. 但现在还没

sdfsdfsdff2003-12-08 21:39:00
回复:请帮忙: a special case!