!THXALOT!2005-07-28 17:04:12
The lawyers my new company are hiring just submitted my H1B application. I thought they should ask my signature on the finalized paper forms. But they didn't. I called them, they said I already signed
a form to agree them to deal with the paperwork for me(I did sign a from to give the permission before they started my case), so I don't need to sign on the finalized paperwork. Is that true? Anybody has similar experience? Thank you for your input.
relaxxxxx2005-07-28 17:37:36
I remember that was the case
!THXALOT!2005-07-28 18:08:17
thanks for your reply
sdfsdfsdff2005-07-28 18:09:30
回复:H1B Question
!THXALOT!2005-07-28 18:13:59
Thank you very much!