拜托拜托2005-08-05 16:07:24
If the travel document will be delivered to an overseas office, where should the notice to pick up the document be sent:
1: The address shown in Part 2 on the first page of this form
2: To the address shown below

问题:会是什么样的travel document? 我填1(现在美国住址)可以吗?还是选2,给中国家庭住址?

老婆J2的时候办过工卡,第二年搬家没有收到renewal,之后一直以H4身份。现在重新办EAD,是选applying for permission to accept employment 还是renewal?

另外,老婆孩子的nonimmgrant status文件中,要不要附上我的IAP-66资料来说明他们的J2身份和时间?

Betterhelp2005-08-05 17:27:13
回复:I-485中AP, EAD问题
拜托拜托2005-08-05 20:36:27