memememe2005-08-18 04:01:43
I'm going to have my interview next month. I LOVE to go back China in October, so I'm not going to register any class at fall semester. But I have a question: Am I going to be able to go back China after the interview? I will have the Green Card right away or I have to wait for a while? It has been 5 years I never came back China since I came to the U.S. I'm really home sick ><
By the way, my green card is based on my hubby's citizenship.Is it possible that after the interview I WILL be able to go back China? Any informations will be appreciated.
在加州2005-08-18 06:11:19
Sometimes it takes 2-3 weeks
mememememe2005-08-18 07:21:18
thanks for your infomation,but
sdfsdfsdff2005-08-18 18:43:09
回复:My interview:
在加州2005-08-18 22:29:32
Mayby name check, maybe police