niuren2005-08-30 22:08:11
Job, Postdoc in biomedical field in New York, 5 published Journal papers in English(three 1st author, 2 non-first author including one Science paper), 7 papers in Chinese (three 1st author), 6 conference abstracts.
9 Citations.
What is my chance to get NIW?
Thanks a lot
东南西北2005-08-30 22:47:28
80%2005-08-30 22:47:34
回复:My chance for NIW?
strongReco2005-08-30 22:54:14
75% or 100% if you can get
whatdiffe?2005-08-30 23:06:01
回复:75% or 100% if you can get
citation2005-08-31 01:11:38
回复:My chance for NIW?
NIW662005-08-31 04:19:02
Perfect Guidance
申教授律师行2005-08-31 04:22:48
回复:My chance for NIW?
niuren2005-08-31 15:07:57
millions of thanks
小寇子2005-08-31 20:21:43
回复:My chance for NIW?