liulinglll2005-09-03 00:34:59
我现在的title是computer programmer,我想用software engineer申请(老板同意)。律
师说没有必要,computer programmer 和software engineer 申请perm没有区别。请问是

还有律师说我的job description写的不够详细,哪位DX能给个例子给我参考一下啊?如

- Created an automatic importing order application for Microsoft Solomon
Accounting by Visual C#, Solomon COM (Solomon Component Object Model) and XML.

- Developed Document Searching System on company intranet with full-text
indexing function by ASP.NET, C#, XML and Microsoft Indexing Service.
- Working on deploying Microsoft BizTalk Server to transfer product
information between my company and other promotional companies
- Working on Importing Quark Application which parses Cart XML file and then
create quark file based on templates by Visual C#, Quark, AppleScript and XML.
- Working on creating Product Enter/Update and Order Form web application
which are the important parts of future company E-Commerce store by,
javascript and XML
usa123452005-09-03 01:19:18
回复:关于perm computer eb2 的问题,谢谢
liulinglll2005-09-03 05:31:20
回复:回复:关于perm computer eb2 的问题,谢谢