马大哈之重现江湖2005-09-13 20:18:39
我的情况是h1 visa,入关的时候给的94卡,没注意上面的有效期(实际上当时根本不知I94为何物),port of entry的官员按照我H1 visa的有效期给的,通常是3个月。这时就应该自己检查一下,然后当场要求officer改正到H1的有效期。以后就没问题了。
如果犯了与我同样的错误,别急,我都超了7个月还能解决,你还担心啥。到你最近的deferred inspection office去,也就是homeland security office. 94卡的错误可能出在两个环节,一个是port of entry. 一个是uscis。懒惰一下,如下:
If you need to have corrections made to Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record, you can go to the closest Port of Entry or Deferred Inspections office. Go to the CBP website for a list of locations and hours of operation.
我建议还是直接去Deferred Inspections office,别考虑那个port of entry.

To correct an I-94, Arrival-Departure Record ,file Form I-102.
这个是去uscis解决,他们不管 port of entry犯的错误。

IF the error was the fault of the border inspector or USCIS, you do NOT have to pay the fee. If the error was your fault, you DO need to pay the fee.

如果碰上不大了解职责的officer. 可以给他看这个:

CBP Provides Information on Correcting I-94s
The Customs and Border Protection bureau of the DHS has pointed to relevant provisions of its field instructions regarding how to get I-94 errors corrected. A list of the field offices at which corrections can be made is attached.
Excerpts from the Customs and Border Protection Inspector's Field
Manual state:
15.12 Correcting Erroneous Admissions.
a) General. Authority exists in 8 CFR 101.2 to create a record of a
previous admission where none exists or to correct an erroneous record,
provided the error was not a result of deliberate deception or fraud on
the part of the alien. Erroneous records include, but are not limited
• Misspelled name
• Incorrect or inverted date-of-birth (DOB)
• Visa classification reflecting the incorrect non-immigrant
classification as noted on the non-immigrant visa, as well as, the
classification the alien was admitted under.
• The B-2 visitors stay was limited without signed supervisory
• recording the visa expiration date instead of the petition
expiration date as the authorized period of stay.

Jurisdiction for correcting such errors made at the ports-of-entry lies
with Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Therefore, CBP locations are
responsible for the review and issuance of the appropriate documents to
correct the error, to include updating the Non-immigrant Information
System(NIIS) as outlined below. Since mail-in procedures are not available,
aliens will be allowed to report to the nearest CBP deferred inspection
office or port-of-entry, regardless of where the actual document was
issued. In many instances, the CBP location of the traveler's final
destination where the discrepancy will be resolved may not be the portof-
entry of first arrival.
一般用不上这个,因为我去改正错误的时候,那个officer 简单的看了我的I-94卡,还有我的i-797原件。啥也没问,就去改了。说明他们经常犯这种错误。
至于你的i94卡丢了,破损了。要申请新的,那就file I-102。然后我就没经验了,也不敢乱说,怕贻误战机啊。


马四哈2005-09-13 20:26:28
回复:I-94 错误更正经验分享。
马大哈之重现江湖2005-09-13 20:29:26
回复:回复:I-94 错误更正经验分享。
马四哈2005-09-13 20:34:53
iliana2006-12-23 00:44:40
回复:I-94 错误更正经验分享。