lovelylovely2005-09-16 16:01:52
I ammmmmm so happy. My GC was just approved so that I do not need to wait. I have to say I am very lucky in term of the approval speed and my time frame. I wish everyone good luck with your GC application. I applied DIY using the templates sold by billzhao at MIT immigration board. I am not advertising for him but his is really good at least to my case :). But i suggest if you have complicated case, you'd better get a lawyer. I have been a silent observer on this web and got a lot of useful info. It is my turn to do something. I am providing my info and hopefully some one here finds useful.

I am a EE phd, working at a medium sized company. I have 1 first author paper and 1 other paper. I emailed 10 people I know for the reference letters. 8 agreed to write me one. 2 made changes so I used 6 reference letters. One was from a leader of a national lab. I am not sure how important this letter is, but I think the number of letters is not as important as the quality. I would not suggest submit really weak applications without thorough preparation. One of my friends rushed the application and got denied without RFE.

RD NIW 140/485 RD 4/20/05, 140 AD 6/16/05, FP 7/7/05. 485 LUD 9/2, 9/7, 9/14 AD 9/15/05!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again, best wishes to everyone.
asssssssss2005-09-16 16:07:30
Congs! Which center?
lovelylovely2005-09-16 16:09:39
回复:Congs! Which center?
Immi_US2005-09-16 16:16:20
Nianqu19902005-09-16 16:20:09
Congratulations!!! u r lucky
befor10-12005-09-16 16:22:00
more approvals will come
temp1012005-09-16 16:26:23
Congrats! Is your name rare?
michigan2005-09-16 16:31:59
两星期内我也能批2005-09-16 16:54:19
congratulation!! 情况相同,最好
lovelylove2005-09-16 17:42:52
需要申请材料2005-09-16 20:49:51