xiaodou2005-09-20 16:26:51
hi, everyone! I urgently need your advice on the following"

1)I-485 cover letter 是否要准备两份,一份以自己为principal petitioner/beneficiary,自己签名,放在自己的I-485材料开头;另一份以配偶为secondary petitioner/beneficiary,配偶签名,放在配偶的I-485材料开头.


还是只要一份cover letter 即可,由主申请人声明此I-485包括自己和配偶,然后分别列出提交的材料,最后由主申请人签名.

2)如果file I140 + I-485, 我应该是I-485 Application to Adjust Status 还是 I-485 Application to Register Permanent Resident or Adjust Status?


Futon2005-09-20 16:30:24
回复:Futon, I140+485, (COVER LETTER
七月刚拿到绿卡2005-09-20 16:54:48
回复:Futon, I140+485, (COVER LETTER
xiaodou2005-09-20 17:26:43
greenmouse2005-09-20 17:29:00
Futon,where get LUD informatio