不通.....2005-09-24 08:07:51
看看Steve Qi 在 M_I_T_B_B_S 发的文章:

1. "对众多申请特殊人才及国家利益豁免的
人来说, 是一个很大的打击. 对通过第二优先申请的人来说, 也是如此."
What is the logic? NIW is also EB2.

2. "一旦州劳工局收到ETA-9089(过去是ETA750A/B), "
He doesn't understand how PERM works. 9089 is never filed with state DOL.

3. "很多人看到职业移民排期大倒退, 准备放弃I-140申请"
Bullshit. except very few uninformed/misinformed, most people are hurrying up to file 140 or 485 or both. Mr. Qi doesn't need to worry about no business from people filing 140 at this time.

4. "如果I-140被批准, 该收件日期(优先日期)
No. As long as 140 is accpted, the receipt date is priority date. No need to be approved to establish the PD.

5. "美国21世纪竞争法案规定, 一旦优先日期建立, 持有H1B
身份的申请人可以无限期地每年延H1B签证, "
Wrong. On condition that LC has been pending > 365 days, the one year extension is up to 3 years. On condition that 140 has been approved, the three year extension is "one time protection" for per country cap. Although May 12, 2005 Yates Interim Guidance overrides the one-time, it is clearly said it can change at any time by new rules which will be likely more restritive.

6. "即工作性质必须”相同”或”极其相近”. "
The orginal wording in AC21 is "same or similar". where is 极其?

These lawyers tend to not tell you the laws and/or prevaricate. They know if you know the laws you don't need them.

Find the actual laws yourself. Don't be fooled.