xchao2005-09-29 04:33:43
I am a Canadian citizen and live in the US, and I moved from Canada to the Us last year. My former employer in Canada asked me to work for them as a contractor at home. Do I need a work permit?

I was told I may need a work permit. I am confused--how can a Canadian company sponsor me work in the US? It does not make sense.

Thanks in advance!
one-an-H12005-09-29 04:41:04
A Chinese company can sponsor
ImmCanada2005-09-29 04:41:04
回复:Can I work in the US??
ajdig2005-09-29 04:43:24
Is it possible
ImmCanada2005-09-29 05:01:02
回复:Is it possible
maybenot2005-09-29 05:07:19
回复:Is it possible
xchao2005-09-29 14:04:47
回复:回复:Is it possible
CanImm2005-09-29 19:11:31
Maybe you can get an "E" visa,