Certificates2005-10-04 15:26:59
Hello yc01,

I submitted my case at 9/20 by UPS. However, UPS sent it to the wrong place and it take one more day to reach NSC (UPS refund the mailing fee to me). So NSC received it on 9/22. Notice date is 9/28. Sent out letter date is 9/29. I received the letter yesterday afternoon (10/03). The checks have been cashed this morning. That is all my information!

I think you will get your receipts today! Good luck!

By the way, my friend get his I-140 approved just in 10 days (see his post today)!
letuskonw2005-10-04 15:39:43
hi, please let us know about
yc012005-10-04 15:53:56
回复:yc01, about receipt from NSC
NSC_NIWtoo2005-10-04 16:54:47
回复:回复:yc01, about receipt from NSC
yc012005-10-04 17:09:04
回复:回复:回复:yc01, about receipt from NSC
NSC_NIWtoo2005-10-04 17:18:55
your background is strong