Hi, Kitty:
Knowing that you will take part an academic meeting in Canada,congratulate you.
Here are messages about USA Consulate in Montreal, may they are useful for you.
Phone: 514-398-9695
Fax: 514-398-9748.
These 2 number are from web site of consulate, you can visit this web site to see more detail information.
Web site address:
It lists all USA Embassys and Consulates in the world, just slide down to find US Consulate at Montreal, Canada and click it, then slide down to find and click Consulate at Montreal, and then click on "Non-immidration visa information".
Some suggestion:
You said that you have no H1 visa stamp on your passport, may it more dangerous than normal, I think if you go to Canada, it is same that you just go to apply visa at 3rd country, so before exit USA, be sure you can obtain the visa. If can not be sure, I think you are better to cancel the travel, although it is useful for your carrier.
I think you can send a fax to the consulate, describe your situation, and ask them whether you can obtain visa in your case. If they answer you "Yes" with fax, that is best, do not forget to bring this fax answer with you, it is useful when you apply visa at Montreal. If they answer you with an email, that also OK, just print it and bring it with you.
Good luck.