答家好2005-10-06 21:08:51
现在公司开始办LC,公司的律师说我需要从旧雇主那儿拿到我在那儿工作的reference letter。但是我的旧雇主在国内,而且我工作的部门已经被裁减了, 不太可能告到公司的英文 reference letter.和律师说了下情况, 律师说要以下的DD替代:

Offer letter from the employer
Separation letter (if one was issued)
Payroll records (such as W-2s)
Tax returns
Performance reviews
Awards from the employer
Letter from a former manager or supervisor (must be signed, dated, and have contact information for signer and if possible include a copy of his/her resume)
Letter from a former colleague (note: a letter from your supervisor is preferred)
Affidavit executed by you (must be submitted in combination with other documents)

这些DD在国内工作时都没有的, 或不太容易搞到。 请问这儿有人有类似的情况吗? 都是怎么解决的?

passover012005-10-06 21:36:06
答家好2005-10-06 21:42:55
no, US LC
zzzkkk2005-10-06 21:48:42
答家好2005-10-06 22:17:55