tuanjieshiwemenwi2005-10-07 20:54:06



"Someone is Putting Salt on Your Wounds" with all these bad news.

Dont worry, you will need to remove that Salt Right.
Here is a way how to achieve that
1. Contact Senators and Congressman. We have Sample Letters in our Files Sections. Send it out. Call Them. Tell Them your story. The link is:

联系的地址 LINK 如下:
US Senator and Congressman

找到你的州,进入网页,找到CONTACT,可以 WEB EMAIL方式送出。信的模板可在下连接找到:

The letter template can be found at:

Letter Template at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/techworkers/files/

Change it as whatever you want and make the story yourself.

2. Ask all your friends to join our efforts and also ask them to send letters to congressman,senators.

3. You and Your Friends must Keep on Following Senators and Congressman
4. Within Next Two Weeks, Please Send out HUB Letters found in our HUB PLan Folder of File Section of our Group.
Please send them out to Your State HUB Leaders.
5. Actively Support the Group in all the activities
DO THE ABOVE 5 And you are really helping to remove Retrogression

United We Stand
Join Us To Remove Retrogression and Make Our Life Better
Ask all your friends, Co-Workers,Family Members to Support Us
By Joining us at:

tuanjieshi2005-10-07 20:58:17
letter template location