eb1eb22005-10-12 21:38:52
I render my opinion as an independent expert since I am not in the circle of Dr. xxx’s colleagues or acquaintances. After a careful and thorough study of the voluminous documentary evidence in relation to Dr. xxx’s scientific achievements in the area of his expertise presented to me, I am deeply impressed by his extraordinary achievements and research in the xxx study. Being a senior research scientist in the same field, I fully understand the great influence that Dr. xxx has brought to the scientific community as well as to the general public in the xxx area.
laohulaohu2005-10-12 21:42:02
回复:independent expert
雪里蕻2005-10-12 21:55:36
回复:independent expert
1391372005-10-13 14:38:16
回复:回复:independent expert