bill112005-10-23 18:00:31
Several weeks ago, I drove my own car to Canada for landing. I put the car on the goods to follow and did not intend to import car at that time. But the Canada customers officer insisted me to import car right away and help me to fill all the forms. I drove back to US several days later without doing anything about the car in Canada. Several days ago, I checked the webpage about the procedure of importing car into Canada and found that the US customers should be notified three days before exporting a car to other country. My questions are:
(1)I did not notify US customers, because I did not plan to export a car to Canada at that time. Is it possible that the Canada customers officer had already called US customers about this when he filled the forms for me? Did not they also know that the US customers should be notified before importing a car to Canada? Also I did not find any US customers at the border. If the car is imported into Canada without notifying the US customers, will the US customers be able to find it out by checking the VIN of the car? If this is the case, my car was imported into Canada illegally and I can not drive it in US? What should I do? Should I notify US customers and tell them the situation?
(2)Is it possible for me to call Canada Customers now to cancel the importing to get rid of all these troubles?

Thanks for all your kind help and suggestions.
hahahahawo2005-10-23 18:05:33
do not make it complicated
ImmCanada2005-10-23 20:04:31
69972005-10-23 21:08:28
income tax and car, no link?!
ImmCanada2005-10-23 21:27:26
回复:income tax and car, no link
69972005-10-24 04:29:14
confused again