CDZ712005-11-02 16:58:38
I got I 140 intent to deny (ITD) notice from INS, I was told I need independent recommendation letters (I know I made a big mistake, all my 6 letters are from my advisor, colleague, professor who knows me well). Now I prepared 4 independent letters and will ask my lawyer to review.
I am asking if this ITD case has very high rate of rejection even you well prepared. I am really upset now.

Thank you!

1292542005-11-02 17:16:44
if well prepared, should be OK
abc123abc2005-11-02 17:20:41
回复:My NIW I140 got ITD at TSC
CDZ712005-11-02 17:25:28
回复:回复:My NIW I140 got ITD at TSC
dogfly1112005-11-02 22:30:48
回复:My NIW I140 got ITD at TSC
abc123abc2005-11-03 02:44:09
回复:回复:回复:My NIW I140 got ITD at TSC