1981512005-11-22 16:46:45
CSC NIW RD 06/08/2005
No notice until today, it is approved. (I feel CSC really follow their processing date)

Major in Neuroscience. Ph.D in US university. Postdoc for about 10 months when submitted in June.

Papers:all in English journals, 10; including 5 first authors. Total citation 77, including 48 from independent researchers. In the petition letter, I emphasized 3 things, 2 reviews cited my paper as of special interest, and one journal used my figure as a cover figure.

My researches are actually of average level, at most. I did BSed a lot about it (ashamed a little). But I do feel the petition letter is THE MOST important. Several immigrantion lawyer friends read my final version of petition letter and commended.

Recommendation letters: 6, only one independent. One NIH guy agreed to write, but due to policy change, he cannot provide the letter. I mentioned this in the petition letter, and add him as a reference.

DIY, took 2 and half months.

485 submitted on 9/26 (RD), no information yet.

Thank you all guys here for your infos and support. Thank you very much.

Good luck to everyone who is still waiting (including my 485)
1381462005-11-22 17:15:32
i am still waiting..
1521832005-11-22 18:32:19
A well minded sharing!
1981512005-11-22 19:23:29
your background is so much stronger than me! Hope it is just wai
1381462005-11-22 20:37:18
thanks, i hope so, CSC is too slow