H4 20 和21 项:H4 刚毕业,没找工作而暂时在实验室中干活,工作单位是填“无”还是
毕业的学校,职业是填“unemployed”还是“Research Assitant”?
H4 25 项:“ Name and Telephone Numbers of Person in U.S. Who You Will Be
Staying With or Visiting for Tourism or Business Name”是不是填H1
H4 37 项: “Are Any of The Following Persons in The U.S., or Do They Have U.S
. Legal Permanent Residence or U.S. Citizenship?”中的有关"Hu*****and/wife"是填“
H1 28 项: 回国返签的路费是填“学校”还是“自己”
网上填表时,没有的项是空着不填还是填"None"or "N/A"
还请各位有回国结婚携签经历的 H1 xdjm 提供一些建议:
如documents checklist and template of support letter for advisor