henri2005-12-13 20:00:08
My LC application under RIR category was filed in 2003. I haven't received the 45-day letter. If I don't withdraw my RIR, is it legal for me to file perm? If perm gets approved first and then RIR is approved, what will be my priority date? The HR in our company think it is illegal to file together. What is the immigration law? Thanks so much in advance.
大实话哈2005-12-13 20:12:56
read this
ForAll2005-12-13 21:40:15
回复:Perm and RIR filed together?
henri2005-12-14 01:21:53
One more question.
Hent2005-12-14 07:02:16
回复:One more question.
198202005-12-14 18:48:23
回复:回复:Perm and RIR filed together?
146842005-12-15 20:23:58
i happened to call my lawyer (rude though).