1601652005-12-14 18:12:05
换了份工作, 马上就要到新地去上班. 这边的手续正在办理. 问题是万一新工作手续要拖几天,而旧工作有没了.岂不有段时间既没工作有没工资. 现在的工作可以在延一段时间. 但万一两边都办好了, 又有一段时间同时有两分工作.是不是两种都有问题? 望有经验的朋友给点建议. 谢谢.
sqgs2005-12-14 18:39:16
what 手续? if it is H1B, you can work after new company
1601652005-12-14 18:54:05
回复:有人看没人答. 提上来在问. 真着急. 谢谢了
sqgs2005-12-14 19:00:46
you need to tell current employer
1242005-12-14 19:13:30
why worry about vacation? let it go, big deal!
1242005-12-14 19:15:12
losing 1 month vacation, big deal?!
1601652005-12-14 19:30:32
回复:losing 1 month vacation, big deal?!
1601652005-12-14 20:46:14
chimmigration2005-12-14 21:43:00
1601652005-12-14 21:46:11
But I use H1B, I have not applied for EAD yet.