Since Arlen Spector was the one who brought this bill back on track after Senator Byrd introduce his amendment. We should get in touch with him again and in fact immediately.
His contact information is as follows:
Arlen Specter (R-PA)
Phone: 202-224-4254
Fax: 12022281229
Or Email him:
Title: "In Support For Section 8001 in S.1932 & HR4241 : budget reconcilliation bill "
Honorable Senator,
You are a beacon of hope for thousands of us who have made United States of America their home and have started their family here. A majority of us are affected by Immigrant Visa retrogression issue and huge backlog that has plagued the immigration system. We all have been waiting from last 4-5 years to enjoy the privilege of Permanent Residency. You and other members of the Senate passed S.1932, the senate version of the bill, that included reforms for employment based visa. This is a request from thousand of us who are eagerly waiting for a positive news from the Senate and the Congress - please include the section 8001 and 8002 from S1932 into the final version of the bill.
All of us have been in US for last 6-7 years and we have been fuelling American economy with constant innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. We would like to continue to do that and with a little help from you and other members of the Senate and the Congress, we will be able to march forward with great momentum.
We are looking at you to provide us this relief by including section 8001 and 8002 from S1932 in the final version of the bill.
"Just called Specter's office and told her about my support for the sec 8001 in the budget bill. The person I spoke to told me that the sections have not yet been dropped so we still have hope. Let us spend sometime today to call the Senators and Congressman so that we wont have to spend regretting for the next 4-5 yrs. "
Do our best and leave the rest to the god, thanks!