请问各位行家高手,网上申请J1 waiver case number 后,第三部份“THIRD PARTY BARCODE PAGE”是单独寄到“U.S Department of State CA/VO/L/W, Visa Services 2401 E Street, NW, (SA-1),Washington, DC 20522-0106”,还是与所有资料一起寄到中国住美国领事馆,再由领事馆转寄?多谢指点!!!第三部份表格如下:
Case Number:
Applicant Name:
Applicant DOB:
Applicant COB:
Waiver Basis:
1) Please return this page (the Third Party Barcode Page) and the documents listed below to
the Department of State at the address below:
U.S Department of State
CA/VO/L/W, Visa Services
2401 E Street, NW, (SA-1)
Washington, DC 20522-0106
2) The "no objection" statement requested by the exchange visitor must state that the
visitor's government has no objection to the applicant
a)not returning to the home country to satisfy the two-year foreign residence
requirement and
b)remaining in the U.S. if he or she chooses.
The "no objection" statement must be on Embassy letterhead and stationery. It must be sent
directly from the Embassy in Washington, DC.
When the "no objection" statement originates from the exchange visitor's government in the
home country, that government must forward it directly to the American Consul at the U.S.
Embassy or Consulate, which in turn will transmit the statement to the Waiver Review
Division, Visa Services.
Please print the waiver applicant's case file number on both the statement and on the
LOWER RIGHT of the envelope. Not including this information could result in correspondence
being misrouted and may delay the processing of the application.